Best Taste Guarantee
Best Taste Guarantee Eligibility
To receive a refund, you must:
- Purchase one of the qualifying House-Autry Stone Ground Corn Meals listed below
- Be a legal resident of the United States
- Be 18 years or older
- Verify that the product is not past its best buy date when the House-Autry Best Taste Guarantee refund form is submitted
- Complete the House-Autry Best Taste Guarantee refund form, including the following information.
- Legal Name
- U.S. Street Address, City, State & Zip
- Date of Birth
- Store where purchased
- Name of product purchased
- Reason for dissatisfaction
- Batch number (see image below)
- Image of Itemized receipt (requests without a receipt will receive a coupon for a House-Autry replacement product)

Once your Best Taste Guarantee refund form has been received, verified and processed, you will receive a refund check for the price listed on your itemized receipt, or a coupon if no receipt.
Refunds will be mailed within six (6) to eight (8) weeks from the date of receipt.
Eligible Products:
Product Description |
Size |
Product UPC |
House-Autry Fine White Corn Meal |
24 oz |
0 73484 50008 3 |
House-Autry Plain Yellow Corn Meal |
24 oz |
0 73484 50006 9 |
House-Autry Self-Rising Yellow Corn Meal |
2 lb. |
0 73484 50301 5 |
House-Autry Plain Yellow Corn Meal |
5 lb. |
0 73484 50152 3 |
House-Autry Self-Rising White Corn Meal |
5 lb. |
0 73484 50202 5 |
House-Autry Self-Rising Yellow Corn Meal |
5 lb. |
0 73484 50302 2 |