Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce
House Autry

Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce


Regular price $101.71

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Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce or Jolokia Pepper are among the hottest peppers in the world with over 1 million Scoville heat levels. So to summarize these are not your run-of-the-mill sauces. They pack a punch that can reduce you to tears.

That being said, they are also used to dilute foods & can bring immense flavor & heat to some of those special recipes. Consequently, Ghost Pepper Hot Sauce is a favorite among those who would love to add some heat with a couple of drops.

In addition, where they are purchased as a dare, with the right mix & with the right recipes, you might be using them more than you would imagine. Therefore we very much recommend you give this ghost a try.

If you’re looking for heat and flavor, we have it packed in this 5 oz. hot sauce, ready to be added to your meals! Warning, This sauce is Extremely HOT. You have been warned!!

Heat   Level: 10 out of 10 

Suggested Uses:

Add a few drops to enhance your entire meal with heat. this sauce can bring tears to your eyes, but if you can handle it, you will enjoy the heat & flavor the “ghost” gives off!

5 oz. Bottle

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